FIRECAMP 2018 – apply now!
25. Juni 2018

Start a fire with your startup!

From 23rd – 27th July 2018 the FireCamp for IT and high-tech startups takes place.

Apply now and find more information at

Twelve teams will „go through the fire“ for one week to achieve investment readiness and develop through one-on-one from mentors, investors, executives and professionals. Your opportunity to accelerate your startup.

You can expect:
👍 One-on-one mentoring from professionals in the fields law, product, finance, marketing, sales and business model
👍 Corporate speeddating with decision makers from multinational companies
👍The best pitch coaching you ever had
👍 Presentation of your startup in front of investors and attractive prizes to win

When? 23rd – 27th of July 2018
📍 Location? Mannheim, Heidelberg, Walldorf
🤔 Who should apply? B2B // IT Startups from all over Europe.
🚨 Application deadline? Sunday, 1st July 2018

Apply now and find more information at ➡️ ⬅️
Participation is free of charge!!!


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    Sonja Wilkens, Geschäftsführerin
    Jürgen Münch, wiss. Mitarbeiter
    Matthias Henel, wiss. Mitarbeiter

    0621/293 - 2154


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