{Life Science} meets IT Hackathon
10.05.2019 - 12.05.2019 | Ganztägig
{Life Science} meets IT Hackathon

{Life Science} meets IT Hackathon

From 10th till 12th May 2019, STARTUP MANNHEIM, Heidelberg Startup Partners and MAFINEX Gründerverbund Entrepreneur Rhein-Neckar will organize the next {Life Science} meets IT | Hackathon. The event will take place at the MAFINEX Technologiezentrum in Mannheim.

This unique Hackathon will bring together 60 enthusiastic young professionals and students to develop innovative solutions for current and future healthcare challenges with the help of IT. Young entrepreneurs, engineers, IT specialists, designers and many more have joined this inspiring event.

The winners will be awarded prizes for categories like best hack, best business case and most patient-centric solution. Renowned keynote speakers and coaches will motivate participants to create new pathways and solutions for a sustainable future in the area of life science and IT. During the event, the participants will get access to an innovative app development tool, 3D printing, sensor technology and AR/VR technology.

Join us to make a difference in healthcare.

Get your ticket now http://www.lifesciencemeetsit.eu/

Julius-Hatry-Straße 1
68163 Mannheim

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    Sonja Wilkens, Geschäftsführerin
    Jürgen Münch, wiss. Mitarbeiter
    Matthias Henel, wiss. Mitarbeiter

    0621/293 - 2154


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